Hendrix Assessment Update 8

This week has been spent continuing to optimize queries used throughout the Hendrix Assessment project. It has been interesting learning how C# queries work and how they translate to SQL. Specifically, I have been working on the queries that export the data for a specific topic in a specific year... [Read More]

Hendrix Assessment Update 7

This week, I have continued to optimize the query methods used in the Hendrix Assessment Project. Last week, I had an incorrect understanding about how a specific part of the databased functioned, particularly regarding the relationship between a few of the tables. Because of this, there was an error in... [Read More]

Hendrix Assessment Update 6

This week, we have been continuing to find ways to optimize the Hendrix Assessment Project. To do this, a lot of time was spend learning the intricacies of Microsoft’s Entity Framework and implementing more efficient methods for querying data from our database. Currently, there are methods for a plethora of... [Read More]

Hendrix Assessment Update 5

This past week has been spent optimizing the performance of the Hendrix Assessment Project. Aside from cleaning up the code, I have been conducting in depth research on how to best optimize the queries to the database. From what I can tell, this is the primary reason from the long... [Read More]

Hendrix Assessment Update 4

Sadly, due to fall break, I missed my blog post last week, so there is quite a bit to catch up on. For starters, I fixed method for selecting the semester and year for the view data page of the Hendrix assessment project. Originally, the user chose a semester in... [Read More]

Hendrix Assessment Update 3

This past week, I was able to fix the export and visual functionality of the view results page of the Hendrix Assessment Project. After viewing the results for the given topic and year, there should be a chart that displays some statistics of the selected data, as well as the... [Read More]

Hendrix Assessment Update 2

I was able to separate the roles of admin and managers. The admin should have access to everything while managers should only have access to information regarding the topics they manage. I also added the ability to view the results of previous years and semesters. Until now, it was only... [Read More]

Hendrix Assessment Update 1

It took some time getting started with the Hendrix Assessment project. The code isn’t particularly well documented, so I spent quite a bit of time figuring out how everthing works. After I managed to get the gist of things, I successfully separated topic manager access and admin access. The problem... [Read More]

Beginning with Hendrix Assessment

I’ve recently started working on the Hendrix Assessment Project. Because we technically started the Arkansas Asset Builders project over from scratch, this will be the first project that I’ve worked on that I haven’t been a part of since the beginning. This said, it’s been a somewhat difficult process figuring... [Read More]

I'm Back

For the first week back at Disco Tray, I’ve been working on fixing some minor issues for VITAmin. Basically, exporting the current filtered data doesn’t give confirmation when download is completed, and sometimes, the download results in an empty csv file. It took some time to refamiliarize myself with the... [Read More]

Wrapping Up

After much hard work, the project for Arkansas Asset Builders, now known as ‘VITAmin’, is coming to an end. There’s been a lot of trouble with merging the team’s work, but the software now works. I have ran through the use cases provided by Dr. Yorgey, and every thing that... [Read More]

Back at it with AAB

After a long and much needed winter break, Disco Tray is back to work. I pick up where I left off working on the Arkansas Asset Builders program that we hope to get finished by early February. I recently finished making new models for the new Data Base schema and... [Read More]

Arkansas Asset Builders Update 3

There’s been a lot of progress made so far. There is a semi-functional filter screen now, but we came to the realization that there’s a problem with how the database is set up, so it isn’t completely functional yet. That said, we did remodelled the database and are working on... [Read More]

It Begins!

I’m super excited to working with Disco Tray Studios this semester. This is my first full week working with them, and it has been an exciting experience thus far. [Read More]